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Entity Extraction Using Syntaxnet

Entity Extraction is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities in text into pre-defined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.

NLP libraries like Spacy and NLTK are used for this purpose. The drawback is that any such libraries can get the common names and numbers but when used to find technical entities like 'Error message msg4567' 'QUNTER_ERROR_IBM_Server' the built in functionalities in these libraries are not very useful.

To solve the issue we finalized dependency parsing method.A parse tree or parsing tree or derivation tree or concrete syntax tree is an ordered, rooted tree that represents the syntactic structure of a string according to some context-free grammar.

NLP libraries like Spacy also provide functionality of creating and parsing dependency tree. Spacy 'Noun chunks' function is able to extract the whole chunks of noun. In this case a lot of adjectives and verbs also become the part of the entity that, in our case, can be referred as garbage. The performance of spacy parsers was also bad when the sentences were complex and long. (Results are compared in the table below)

Syntaxnet is the best available tool for dependency parsing. It is the research of Google, open sourced, for better Natural Language Understanding. Its latest update took NLU to the next level, by understand long and complex commands and sentences.

Trees built by syntaxnet are more accurate and in more detail. After analysis, we decided to use these results and universal dependencies to find the required entities in our cases.


Python 2.7 (Python 3. support is not available for Syntaxnet yet.)

Install Syntaxnet



Syntaxnet Installation steps

Setting up Syntaxnet is a complicated task. There is a lot to do apart from what is mentioned in their wiki.

Following are the instructions to setup Syntaxnet on your machine

  • Install python 2.7: (Can be installed separately or with anaconda)

  • If tensorflow is installed, uninstall it:

    • sudo pip uninstall tensorflow
  • Download bazel 0.5.2

  • Run the following command:

    • chmod +x bazel-0.5.2- installer…. (as per your file name).sh
    • ./bazel(as per file name).sh –user
    • export PATH = "$PATH:$HOME/bin"
  • Check if bazel is installed:

    • bazel version
  • Install Homebrew for IOS with the following command:

  • Install swig

    • brew install swig on OS(X)
  • protocol buffers, with a version supported by TensorFlow:

    • check your protobuf version with pip freeze | grep protobuf
    • upgrade to a supported version with pip install -U protobuf==3.3.0
  • autograd, with a version supported by TensorFlow:

    • pip install -U autograd==1.1.13
  • mock, the testing package:

    • pip install mock
  • asciitree, to draw parse trees on the console for the demo:

    • pip install asciitree
  • numpy, package for scientific computing:

    • pip install numpy
  • pygraphviz to visualize traces and parse trees:

    • apt-get install -y graphviz libgraphviz-dev
    • pip install pygraphviz --install-option="--include-path=/usr/include/graphviz" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/lib/graphviz/"
  • Clone/Download the models library from github using the following command:

  • Version Compatibility is a huge issue in Syntaxnet Setup. Use the following commit id for bazel 0.5.2 to pass the bazel tests:

    • Go to models forlder
    • _git checkout _bc0edaf
    • git submodule update
    • (commit id:bc0edaf8ec635c2a493a9303071e3d2fe97f3b7b)
  • Go to models/research/syntaxnet/tensorflow

  • Run the following command:

    • ./configure
  • Come back to syntaxnet directory:

    • cd ..
  • Run the following commands for IOS:

    • bazel test --linkopt=-headerpad_max_install_names \dragnn/... syntaxnet/... util/utf8/...
  • Make a temporary directory:

    • mkdir /tmp/syntaxnet_pkg
  • To install the tensorflow version compatible with the syntaxnet version you are installing, use the following command:

    • bazel-bin/dragnn/tools/build_pip_package --include-tensorflow –output-dir=/tmp/syntaxnet_pkg_ _
  • Install syntaxnet:

    • sudo -H pip --no-cache-dir install /tmp/syntaxnet_pkg/syntaxnet_with_tensorflow-0.2-whatever-your-config__uration-is.whl
  • Installation is done.


import entity_extractor as ep

s = ep.NER(" I work on 32 and 64 bit processor.")
print s #prints the list of entities


Following are few results of Syntaxnet comparied with Spacy Noun Chunks

Text Syntaxnet Spacy
I work on 32 and 64 bit processor. 32 bit processor,64 bit processor I, 32 and 64 bit Processor
Update IBM HTTP Server for i to comply with security vulnerabilities CVE-2011-0419 and CVE-2011-1928 to maintain PCI compliance. IBM HTTP Server,PCI compliance,security vulnerabilities CVE-2011-0419,security vulnerabilities CVE-2011-1928 Update IBM HTTP Server,I,security vulnerabilities,CVE-2011,CVE-2011,PCI compliance'
An application using a Native JDBC connections is attempting to set the connection property for " server trace" to turn on job tracing. The job trace is not created and the joblog for the QSQSRVR job servicing the connection is logging an error message msgMCH0801 and subsequently, msgCPF3698 , msgCPF4101 and msgCPF9845. This problem could also affect SQL CLI trace functions. JDBC connections, QSQSRVR job, SQL CLI trace functions, Application, Connection,connection property, error message msgCPF3698, error message msgCPF4101, error message msgCPF9845, error message msgMCH0801, job trace, job tracing, joblog, problem, server trace An application, a Native JDBC connections, the connection property, server trace, The job trace, the joblog, the QSQSRVR job, the connection, an error message msgMCH0801, subsequently, msgCPF3698, msgCPF9845, This problem, SQL CLI trace functions
The Telnet Server attributes file that has been upgraded from early V3 Operating System may contain BLANK values for the VT100 Inbound and Outbound conversion files. A recent PTF change to how those values are read will cause the Telnet Server QTVTELNET job to fail to start the Telnet Server (23 or 992 Port) listener. The QTVTELNET job will list a MSGMCH3601 F/QTVTNCSH. values, VT100 Inbound conversion files, Telnet Server attributes file, V3 Operating System, VT100 Outbound conversion files, Telnet Server QTVTELNET job, PTF change, 23 Port, Telnet Server listener, values, 992 Port, MSGM CH 3601 F/QTVTNCSH, QTVTELNET job The Telnet Server, file, early V3 Operating System, BLANK values, the VT100 Inbound and Outbound conversion files, A recent PTF change, those values, the Telnet Server QTVTELNET job, the Telnet Server, (23 or 992 Port, The QTVTELNET job, a MSGMCH3601 F/QTVTNCSH
An MCH1210 is being signaled over DRDA for the DESCRIBE of a TABLE on a heterogeneous application server containing a DecFloat field. DecFloat field, DESCRIBE, MCH1210, TABLE, application server, DRDA An MCH1210, DRDA, the DESCRIBE,a TABLE,a heterogeneous application server, a DecFloat field

The numbers are dealt ina way that they are only selected if they are a part of an entity.

For example:

'My age is 32 but I use 32 bit processor.'

The entities recognized by model using syntaxnet are 'age' and '32 bit processor'


'VT100 Inbound and Outbound files'

The entities recognized by model are' VT100 Outbound files. VT100 Inbound files.

As shown above, the accuracy of syntaxnet model seems to be above 90%.

Syed Rameel Ahmad

Data Scientist IBM


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